Shaved Portions

Washington University in St. Louis

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Project Details
St. Louis, MO

2023 Merit Award, ASLA St. Louis

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Project Summary

The Art on Campus program is a percent-for-art program at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum of Washington University, and a growing collection of public artworks by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Arbolope Studio has been engaged by the University over a number of years to provide landscape design and siting design for the installation of public artworks for this program, culminating most recently with the installation of Chakaia Booker’s Shaved Portions in the summer of 2022. Additional artists include Ayse Erkmen, Inigo Mañglano-Ovalle, and Dan Graham.

Collaborating with the curatorial team and artists, Arbolope has carefully considered the formal qualities of each artwork, placing the campus and sculptures in dialogue with one another through their site design. Taken together, all 4 collaborations between WUSTL, the artists, and Arbolope prove the value of promoting the generative intersection of art, education, and design.

Installed as part of a 2-year temporary installation commitment by the University, Shaved Portions is emblematic of Booker’s transformation of steel and salvaged rubber tires into monumental biomorphic sculptures. Arbolope sited and oriented the artwork facing the front-entrance to the University, making the sculpture a key feature of the campus arrival experience. Taking direction from both the Museum and Booker, Arbolope designed a siting for the artwork that allows visitors to circumnavigate the work, but subtly prevents visitors from touching or climbing the structure itself. This was done by offsetting a border from the perimeter of the sculpture to arrive at a zigzag geometry. Further offsets allowed for the creation of an inviting pathway around the artwork. A central pathway was then asserted through the center of the sculpture, allowing the artwork to effectively function as a sort of “moon gate” for the University.

A picture icon
Above photograph of shaved portions art on campus at washington university st louis missouri by arbolope studio
Shaved Portions is emblematic of Booker’s transformation of steel and salvaged rubber tires into monumental biomorphic sculptures.
Photo through the art on campus sculpture called shaved portions located at washington university st louis missouri, arbolope studio.
By offsetting a border from the sculpture's perimeter to create a zigzag geometry, the design team crafted a pathway around the artwork. A central path through the sculpture allows it to serve as a “moon gate” for the University.
Drone photography overhead of washington university east campus art called shaved portions by arbolope studio.
Arbolope sited and oriented the artwork facing the front-entrance to the University, making the sculpture a key feature of the campus arrival experience.
Overall photo of art on campus tires shaved portions at washington unvieirsty st louis missouri, public art display by arbolope studio.
Above photograph of shaved portions art on campus at washington university st louis missouri by arbolope studio

Shaved Portions

Washington University in St. Louis


St. Louis, MO



Landscape Architecture

Public Art



Honors & Awards

2023 Merit Award, ASLA St. Louis

The Art on Campus program is a percent-for-art program at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum of Washington University, and a growing collection of public artworks by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Arbolope Studio has been engaged by the University over a number of years to provide landscape design and siting design for the installation of public artworks for this program, culminating most recently with the installation of Chakaia Booker’s Shaved Portions in the summer of 2022. Additional artists include Ayse Erkmen, Inigo Mañglano-Ovalle, and Dan Graham.

Collaborating with the curatorial team and artists, Arbolope has carefully considered the formal qualities of each artwork, placing the campus and sculptures in dialogue with one another through their site design. Taken together, all 4 collaborations between WUSTL, the artists, and Arbolope prove the value of promoting the generative intersection of art, education, and design.

Installed as part of a 2-year temporary installation commitment by the University, Shaved Portions is emblematic of Booker’s transformation of steel and salvaged rubber tires into monumental biomorphic sculptures. Arbolope sited and oriented the artwork facing the front-entrance to the University, making the sculpture a key feature of the campus arrival experience. Taking direction from both the Museum and Booker, Arbolope designed a siting for the artwork that allows visitors to circumnavigate the work, but subtly prevents visitors from touching or climbing the structure itself. This was done by offsetting a border from the perimeter of the sculpture to arrive at a zigzag geometry. Further offsets allowed for the creation of an inviting pathway around the artwork. A central pathway was then asserted through the center of the sculpture, allowing the artwork to effectively function as a sort of “moon gate” for the University.

Above photograph of shaved portions art on campus at washington university st louis missouri by arbolope studio Photo through the art on campus sculpture called shaved portions located at washington university st louis missouri, arbolope studio. Drone photography overhead of washington university east campus art called shaved portions by arbolope studio.
Shaved Portions is emblematic of Booker’s transformation of steel and salvaged rubber tires into monumental biomorphic sculptures.
By offsetting a border from the sculpture's perimeter to create a zigzag geometry, the design team crafted a pathway around the artwork. A central path through the sculpture allows it to serve as a “moon gate” for the University.
Arbolope sited and oriented the artwork facing the front-entrance to the University, making the sculpture a key feature of the campus arrival experience.
Overall photo of art on campus tires shaved portions at washington unvieirsty st louis missouri, public art display by arbolope studio.
Above photograph of shaved portions art on campus at washington university st louis missouri by arbolope studio